YAML Configuration (Configuration and Application files)

The following Configuration files are under application/app/config.


The following fundamental Mapbender parameters are specified here.


The files parameters.yml and config.yml are needed to configure databases in Mapbender. In parameters.yml, (multiple) variables for database connection(s) can be defined. These variables are being processed in config.yml. An alias is assigned to each database connection.

  • database_driver: Database driver. Possible values are:
    • pdo_sqlite - SQLite PDO driver

    • pdo_mysql - MySQL PDO driver

    • pdo_pgsql - PostgreSQL PDO driver

    • oci8 - Oracle OCI8 driver

    • pdo_oci - Oracle PDO driver

    Please note: Necessary PHP drivers need to be installed and activated.

Example: Database configuration in parameters.yml, when PostgreSQL is used:

database_driver:   pdo_pgsql
database_host:     localhost
database_port:     5432
database_name:     mapbender
database_path:     ~
database_user:     postgres
database_password: secret

Use of several databases

Mapbender can handle several databases. This is recommended if you want to keep your data seperated from Mapbender data. Or if you want to use code that doesn’t belong to a Mapbender bundle.

You need a second database for geo data search (with SearchRouter) and data collection (Digitizer).

The default database connection (default_connection: default) is used by Mapbender.

If you want to use another database, you have to define a database connection with a different name.

    # database connection "default"
    database_driver:   pdo_pgsql
    database_host:     localhost
    database_port:     5432
    database_name:     mapbender
    database_path:     ~
    database_user:     postgres
    database_password: postgres

    # database connection "search_db"
    database2_driver:   pdo_pgsql
    database2_host:     localhost
    database2_port:     5432
    database2_name:     search_db
    database2_path:     ~
    database2_user:     postgres
    database2_password: postgres

Now, you can refer to the database search_db in the elements SearchRouter and Digitizer.

To learn more about this structure, visit the Symfony documentation.

Mapbender uses Doctrine. Doctrine is a collection of PHP libaries (Doctrine project).



A disclaimer can be added through the use of site links.

  - link: https://mapbender.org/en/legal-notice/                            # Link URL
    text: Imprint & Contact                                                                     # Link text
  - link: https://mapbender.org/en/privacy-policy/
    text: Privacy Policy

Site links will be seperated by “|”.

Language settings

Mapbender is automatically adjusted to your browser’s language. Yet it is possible to set a language option in the configuration file app/config/parameters.yml. If a translation of your browser’s set language is missing in Mapbender, it will then take a fallback language. We recommend en (English) or de (German) as fallback options.

Available language codes are:

  • en for English (default)

  • de for German

  • es for Spanish

  • fr for French

  • it for Italian

  • nl for Dutch

  • pt for Portugese

  • ru for Russian

  • tr for Turkish

  • uk for Ukrainian

Configuration example:

# locale en, de, es, fr, it, nl, pt, ru, tr, uk are available
fallback_locale:   en
locale:            en
secret:            ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt

More information in Translation in Mapbender.


Mailer information in parameters.yml (e.g. smtp or sendmail).

Configuration example:

mailer_transport:  smtp
mailer_host:       localhost
mailer_user:       ~
mailer_password:   ~

The functions ‘Self-Registration’ and ‘reset password’ need a mailer.

More information in chapter Users.

Project name

The name of the project (default: Mapbender) can be changed in parameters.yml. The change has a global impact on the whole Mapbender installation.

branding.project_name: Geoportal

Important note: In parameters.yml tabulators may not be used for indentation instead you need to use space.

Proxy settings

If you use a proxy, you need to change parameters.yml.


OWSProxy3 is a transparent Buzz-based proxy that uses cURL for connection to web resources via/without a proxy server.

Configuration example:

# OWSProxy Configuration
    ows_proxy3_logging: false             # logging of requests, default is false, true logs in table owsproxy_log
    ows_proxy3_obfuscate_client_ip: true  # obfuscats a client ip, default is true, true will hide the last byte of the client's ip address
    ows_proxy3_host: myproxy              # proxy definition for connnection via a proxy server. Host name of the proxy server
    ows_proxy3_port: 8080                 # proxy definition for connnection via a proxy server. Port name of the proxy server
    ows_proxy3_connecttimeout: 60
    ows_proxy3_timeout: 90
    ows_proxy3_user: ~                    # user name for proxy server (set user for proxy server if needed)
    ows_proxy3_password: ~                # password for proxy server (set password for proxy server if defined)
    ows_proxy3_noproxy:                   # list of hosts for connnections without proxy server

SSL certificate

For productive environments, it is important to install a SSL certificate. After that, set the parameters.cookie_secure variable in your parameters.yml to true. This ensures that the Login cookie is only transmitted over secure connections.


  • fom_user.selfregistration: To enable or disable self-registration of users, change the fom_user.selfregistration parameter. You have to define self_registration_groups, so that self-registered users are added to these groups automatically, when they register. They will get the rights that are assigned to these groups.

  • fom_user.reset_password: In the same way the possibility to reset passwords can be enabled or disabled.

  • framework.session.cookie_httponly: For HTTP-only session cookies, make sure the framework.session.cookie_httponly parameter is set to true.


Important: Every database defined in parameters.yml needs to have a placeholder in config.yml as well:

doctrine:                                               # Values, surrounded by %-marks, are variables
        default_connection: default                     # Database connection, used as standard in Mapbender (``default_connection: default``).
            driver:    "%database_driver%"              # More information below the code
            host:      "%database_host%"                # Database host on which the database runs. Either name of the host (e.g. localhost) or IP address (e.g.
            port:      "%database_port%"                # Port, the database listens to (e.g. 5432 for PostgreSQL).
            dbname:    "%database_name%"                # Name of the database (e.g. mapbender). Create a database with the command ``doctrine:database:create`` bzw. ``doctrine:schema:create``.
            path:      "%database_path%"                # %database_path%, path to the file of the SQLite database. If you don't use a SQ-lite database, write (~) or ``null``.
            user:      "%database_user%"                # User name for database connection.
            password:  "%database_password%"            # Password.
            charset:    UTF8                            # Coding of the database.
            logging:   "%kernel.debug%"                 # Option, SQLs won't be logged (standard: %kernel.debug%). `More information: <http://www.loremipsum.at/blog/doctrine-2-sql-profiler-in-debugleiste>`_.
            profiling: "%kernel.debug%"                 # Profiling SQL requests. This option can be turned of in production. (standard: %kernel.debug%)

Use of several databases

Example with two database connections in config.yml:

        default_connection: default
            # database connection default
                driver:    "%database_driver%"
                host:      "%database_host%"
                port:      "%database_port%"
                dbname:    "%database_name%"
                path:      "%database_path%"
                user:      "%database_user%"
                password:  "%database_password%"
                charset:    UTF8
                logging:   "%kernel.debug%"
                profiling: "%kernel.debug%"
            # database connection search_db
                driver:    "%database2_driver%"
                host:      "%database2_host%"
                port:      "%database2_port%"
                dbname:    "%database2_name%"
                path:      "%database2_path%"
                user:      "%database2_user%"
                password:  "%database2_password%"
                charset:    UTF8
                logging:   "%kernel.debug%"
                profiling: "%kernel.debug%"

More information under parameters.yml.

YAML Application files

YAML application files are stored under app/config/applications. “Mapbender mobile”, “Mapbender Demo Map” and “Mapbender Demo Map basic” are pre-implemented as example applications.

If you do not want the three example applications to be visible, you can change the variable ‘published’ to ‘false’.

                        published: false

Now the applications will not be visible for users (except for root user).

New YAML applications can be placed in the folder and will be automatically recognized by Mapbender.

Mapbender Demo Map

This is the main Demo application. Should be used for a desktop based application.

Detailed descriptions of the elements at Elements.

Mapbender Demo Map basic

Differences to the main Demo Map:


Uses Coordinates Utility instead of POI.


Has no elements pre-implemented.

Map area

Uses Coordinates Utility instead of Scale Display and POI.

Detailed descriptions of the elements at Elements.

Mapbender mobile

For a mobile template on smartphones and tablets.

Export/import YAML application files over the user interface


You can export applications as JSON or YAML under ApplicationsExport.



You can import the export file into a Mapbender installation under ApplicationsImport.


Export/import/clone YAML application files over the console

Please go to Application Export, Import & Cloning to see the console commands. Find a few introductional words about what’s possible with applications over the console below.


Applications can be exported as .json or .yml -file over the console.

A YAML file that has been exported over the console cannot be placed under app/config/application to be imported in a Mapbender installation. The YAML format that is produced by exporting over the console is different from the YAML format of the files under app/config/application.


YAML files that have been exported over the user interface or console can be imported over the console.


Clone/Copy an existing application.